From 17th to 22nd September 2018: free choreographic workshop for professional dancers with gruppo nanou in Tuscania (VT).
“Alphabet: Metodo” is a short choreographic device able to highlight the compositional process and to show athletically the personal writing work of the dancers in dialogue with the choreographic stimuli.
Unique bodies that make language.
The workshop become a meeting.
It has not the goal of teaching but of experiment, of the verification of a constantly evolving language.
A direct dialogue with professional dancers for the transmission of the gruppo nanou’s choreographic writing process.
The choreography is written to be decomposed, highlighted, made legible, not necessarily decipherable yet evident, supporting the common compositional elements such as: space, time, proxemics.
With the project Alphabet we highlight the elements of the choreographic complexity to make it dialogical. Exposing, unveiling the creative / compositional process by dismantling layer by layer, reaching the profound reason for a choice of association and relationship that constantly intervenes in the choreographic composition.
From 17 to 22 September 2018 Tuscania (VT)
For registrations: send by 7 September 2018 CV and contacts to and
If it is possible, a short video through youtube or vimeo in which the peculiarities of the dancer are highlighted.
Will be selected maximum 3 dancers.
The laboratory is free.
The selected will be guested in houses at discounted prices and with kitchen use.
The workplace is Tuscania (VT).