Project and choreography
Marco Valerio Amico, Rhuena Bracci
Rhuena Bracci
Lights and colors
Marco Valerio Amico
Marco Valerio Amico, Rhuena Bracci
Rhuena Bracci, Arianna Gasparotti, Alberto Groja
Nanou Associazione Culturale,
Rosa Shocking / Festival Tendance
MIC, Regione Emilia-Romagna, Comune di Ravenna
Always intrigued by informal spaces, for the festival Ammutinamenti and the art gallery of the Museum MAR of Ravenna, Nanou transforms the choreographed solo ARSURA by and for Rhuena Bracci by focusing on how the body alters its alertness when placed within a “new” space, how action is capable of creating an environment to be traversed and perceived epidermally.
Here is the photographic memory of the event, portrayed by photographer Lorenzo Pasini.
08 > 09 September 2023
Festival Ammutinamenti
Mar – Art Museum of the City of Ravenna
Photo: Lorenzo Pasini