Alphabet: Maps
After NAO CREA residence at DidStudio / Ariella Vidach, Milan, gruppo nanou presents a step of the analysis work on choreographic writing.

1. in mathematics, synonymous with application, function, correspondence;
2. detailed graphic representation of a zone;
3. geography, elevation, scheme;
4. In computer science, the list of the positions in memory (or addresses) of the instructions or variables of a coded program.
5. part of the key that is introduced into the lock to activate the lock mechanism.

Space is a map that the dancer must respect in order to obtain the limit capable of verifying the evidence of the work, underlining the paths to be taken.
The map is evidence that allows the reading of what the choreutic action is taking place.
The task of choreography is to highlight the limit to find ways to escape, to grasp the creative incident.

choreography: Marco Valerio Amico, Rhuena Bracci
with: Carolina Amoretti, Sissj Bassani, Gloria Dorliguzzo
sound: Roberto Rettura