On the occasion of the opening of the Transmissions festival and the year of Dante’s celebrations, in collaboration with Ravenna face-in-air and Fèsta, the group company nanou and the band OvO rewrite their last two projects, the album Miasma and choreographic work in the making Arsura, to unleash a personal imagination that uses the strength of the radical languages of the two artistic realities.
Song First of a collaboration that is manifested here, entirely FROM LIVE, between sounds and images infernal, dreamlike and disruptive.

Project: Nanou and OvO Group
music: OvO (Stefania Pedretti, Bruno Dorella)
choreography: Marco Valerio Amico, Rhuena Bracci
con: Rhuena Bracci, Stefania Pedretti , Bruno Dorella
made with the support of: E-production, Ravenna Theatre
with the contribution of: MIBACT, Regione Emilia Romagna, Comune di Ravenna Ravenna

gruppo nanou . Conversation about Arsura. Conversation about Arsura - © Gianluca Naphtalina Camporesi, Dancer: Rhuena Bracci

arsura - © Gianluca Naphtalina Camporesi - Dancer: Rhuena Bracci