The performance Maps presented at Contemporanea Festival – Prato, photographed by Ilaria Costanzo.
From the Alphabet project, Maps is a yield point of the nanou group’s choreographic research process.
Maps – © ilaria costanzo
choreography: Marco Valerio Amico, Rhuena Bracci
dancers: Carolina Amoretti, Sissj Bassani, Rhuena Bracci
sound: Roberto Rettura
set and light design: Marco Valerio Amico
“This experiment attempts to grasp evidence in the choreographic composition and in the reason why bodies (including sound and light) move in space and generate activity.
The evidence has nothing to do with the caption. The evidence as it is understood here is the ability to remove questions by looking for that reason that does not ask questions even if not exactly decipherable.
An example that I often report is the enchantment of star gazing. I am not a physicist, I cannot decipher the exact reason why the sky is so composed and so in motion. Yet I read it, for its wonder and its accuracy.
So I want to read the choreography which, although mysterious, becomes evident for its reasons which reside in a severe device capable of generating spaces.
The relationship with the gaze is one of verification. The relationship with the map is evident. “
Marco Valerio Amico