Project and choreography
Marco Valerio Amico, Rhuena Bracci
Marco Valerio Amico, Sissj Bassani, Anna Basti, Alessia Berardi, Rhuena Bracci, Anna Marocco, Marco Maretti, Stefano Questorio
Roberto Rettura
Light design
Fabio Sajiz
Giovanni Marocco, Antonio Rinaldi, Paola Villani
Nanou Associazione Culturale, Teatro di Vetro, Fondazione I Teatri di Reggio Emilia, Fabbrica Europa, Apache
MIBAC, Regione Emilia-Romagna
The “Strictly confidential” installation project by gruppo nanou inaugurates the opening of Palazzo Rasponi dalle Teste, a historic building in the city of Ravenna now returned to citizens with the restoration of the Fondazione del Monte di Bologna and Ravenna.
The event, produced by Ravenna Festival, was an opportunity for the company to immerse a large audience in its imagination.
Here the look of Daniele Casadio and Fabrizio Zani on the artistic intervention of the company.