by: Marco Valerio Amico, Rhuena Bracci
dancers: Marco Valerio Amico, Rhuena Bracci, Marco Maretti
sound: Roberto Rettura
light design: Fabio Sajiz
set: Antonio Rinaldi, Giovanni Marocco
concept feat.: Robert Rebotti {jacklamotta}
photos: Laura Arlotti
produced by: Nanou Ass. Cult.
co-produced by: Fondo Fare Anticorpi, Fondazione Pontedera Teatro, Fondazione Fabbrica Europa, ZTL-Pro, Armunia, Schloss Broellin
in collaboration with: Palladium – Università Roma Tre
supported by: Cantieri, Centrale Fies, L’Arboreto – Teatro Dimora di Mondaino, Città di Ebla, Teatro Fondamenta Nuove, Ravenna Teatro
with the contribution of: MIBAC, Regione Emilia-Romagna Assessorato alla Cultura
Motelproject is a choreographic trilogy consisting of three rooms. Motel is a unit of time, a familiar, uninhabited place; it is the room of secrets, of lovers, of whores, the refuge of murderers, the stop of travelers.
The dramaturgy, divided into episodes, is the interaction of a small number of characters immersed in a familiar and essentially ordinary environment, in which extraordinary elements shift the daily course of action.
We can only offer narrative residues. Hence the re-appropriation of the “Tale” as the rubble of an event that we can intuit or imagine. The “Tale” is always “out the window”. The drama is not present in the scene.
The episodes are independent. The characters and the relationships between them are static and the events of each episode are resolved in the episode itself, restoring the status quo.