Video Production
313 film production, Nanou Associazione Culturale
Marco Valerio Amico and Giulio Boato
Giulio Boato and Laura Accardo
Giulio Boato
Original Music
From the project “PARADISO” by
gruppo nanou, Alfredo Pirri, Bruno Dorella
Marco Valerio Amico, Rhuena Bracci
Spazio scenico
Marco Valerio Amico
Marco Valerio Amico, Alfredo Pirri
Rhuena Bracci
Carolina Amoretti, Marina Bertoni, Vera Borghini, Rhuena Bracci, Marco Maretti, Michele Scappa
And the graduates (2019) of the Post Diploma – Dance Course of the Civica Scuola di Teatro “Paolo Grassi” of Milan: Livia Bartolucci, Alessandra Cozzi, Elisabetta Da Rold, Agnese Gabrielli, Nicolò Giorgini, Simone Mazzanti, Camilla Neri, Francesca Rinaldi, Pablo Ezequiel Rizzo, Bruna Romano
Nanou Associazione Culturale, Ravenna Festival
MIC, Regione Emilia-Romagna, Comune di Ravenna, Fondazione del Monte di Bologna e Ravenna
Centro di Residenza della Toscana (Armunia-CapoTrave/Kilowatt), E Production, ATCL Circuito Multidisciplinare del Lazio per Spazio Rossellini Polo Culturale Multidisciplinare della Regione Lazio, C.U.R.A. Centro Umbro Residenze Artistiche, Spazio ZUT!, Indisciplinarte, La Mama Umbria International
Paradiso is a collective project by the contemporary research dance company gruppo nanou,the artist Alfredo Pirri and the musician Bruno Dorella. His journey began in 2021 through appointments, sketches, understood as the progressive deepening and development of research and experiments for the construction of a performative process that brings into play the relationship between different languages.
Filming the performance, the dance, the movement in the space marked by time has been Giulio Boato’s field of investigation for years. Each performance requires a different strategy to dialogue with the video, a different “translation technique”. The short film PARADISO [VIDEO BOZZETTO] is not intended to explain, but to accompany the viewer through a flow, a metamorphosis. We tried to build – through the editing of the images of some days of work – a “story through images and sound” of a place crossed over time by dance, light, matter, human, returning that set of concentric circles that transform each other, in constant change, which are at the base of the work.
Giulio Boato