Baby Doe
Baby Doe
Project and choreography

Marco Valerio Amico, Rhuena Bracci


Sissj Bassani, Anna Basti, Alessia Berardi, Marco Maretti, Anna Marocco


Roberto Rettura

Set and lights

Giovanni Marocco


Nanou Associazione Culturale, Teatri di Vetro


MIBACT, Regione Emilia-Romagna

Baby Doe is a suspended room. The scene is raised from the ground to allow the body to discover ravines in which to escape.
Physical exercise, always “very difficult”, is assumed in childhood, which causes stumbling: an unexpected event that suspends the action, moves it elsewhere, disorganizes the consequentiality of events.

Baby Doe is the procedure through the rigor of a creative strategy played on the formalization of the figure and the enclosure that surrounds it: internal space as a specific measure of the painting and of the existence represented.
The anthropomorphic form is inevitably in conflict with the geometric enclosure.
The geometry of this enclosure assumes the rhetorical experiment of perfection, as functional to the unleashing produced on the internal figure disoriented in an impossible center.


Baby Doe – © Federico Ridolfi

Baby Doe

GoPro video
