by: Marco Valerio Amico, Rhuena Bracci
with: Rhuena Bracci
sound: Roberto Rettura
set in collaboration with: Città di Ebla

special thanks to: Fabio Sajiz

produced by: L’Officina-atelier marseillais de production(Marsiglia, Francia)
Co-produced by: L’animal a l’esquena e Cra’p (Spagna),  Indisciplinarte (Italia),  El Teatro (Tunisia), Haraka (Egitto)

Con il sostegno della Commissione Europea nell’ambito del programma cultura 2007-2013, parte Cooperazione con i paesi terzi per gli anni 2010 e 2011.

with the contribution of: MIBAC, Regione Emilia-Romagna Assessorato alla Cultura, Founds Roberto Cimetta
supported by: Città di Ebla, PimOff

Sport: staging an athlete caught in the intimacy of the preparations for the gymnastic exercise, in order to display the body in its fragility and diametrically opposed to its strength. The moment of suspension, of all chances of change, of all potential directions.
To catch the athlete’s thought before the vertigo in order to understand his silence.
The sound made of breathes, breathlessnesses, claps, encouragements, create a subjectivity that tells about the loneliness of the athlete, while design a collective vision.