Project and choreography
Marco Valerio Amico, Rhuena Bracci
Roberto Rettura
Set and lights
Marco Valerio Amico
Nanou Associazione Culturale
MIBACT, Regione Emilia-Romagna, Comune di Ravenna, Fondazione del Monte di Bologna e Ravenna
The gruppo nanou’s choreographic research was born from the union of different compositional tools that find their synthesis in the concept of film editing technique. An agerarchic methodology between the languages of the scene that identifies the relationship between body, sound, light and space as a complex matter, indissolubly intertwined within it.
With Alphabet, gruppo nanou opens up to dialogue to deepen its research and determine its effectiveness by activating a multi-year research process. We leave the concept of choreographic product to host a research path that takes the form of performances, videos, workshops, writings and public meetings.
Dialogue is necessarily a confrontation. The possible comparison that we identify is the sharing of a practice and composition methodology open to those who do not necessarily attend dance activities, but who are interested in measuring themselves against it.
The gruppo nanou’s choreographic research has always developed on multiple levels of action and thought to offer multiple access points to the work.
Levels can be roughly divided into two categories:
• the generation of choreographic materials device
• the spectacular synthesis device.
For the generation of materials, the method reasons on private indications within the company that determine the construction of the dancer’s body and the relationship between the scenic languages that together take on choreographic tasks in search of a “creative accident”. These indications trigger the relationship between in scenic languages, the intimate bond which defines the quality of the events.
The spectacular synthesis is the performance strategy of the choreographic material which also entails the disposition of the public to understand the type of use, image orchestration, course of action, succession of events, etc.
With this procedure different levels of reading are determined: from the choreographic to the imaginative one, from the relational one between languages to the originality of the creation of a peculiar body, from the musical to the architectural one, from the philosophical to the material one.
Levels have always been superimposed to achieve a linguistic synthesis since their reason for existing, their relationships, approached a “stream of consciousness” that would always make the detail part of an organic work, because the detail was a vehicle of passage to the next work plan.
With Alphabet project, the elements of complexity are highlighted to make it legible and dialogic.
Exposing dialectically, revealing the creative / compositional process dismantling layer by layer, reaching the profound reason for a choice of association and relationship that constantly intervenes in the scenic composition and places itself in dialogue and confrontation.
Alphabet – © Margherita Masè, gruppo nanou, Ilaria Costanzo
06/2021 - Marco Valerio Amico, Oscillazioni#1
Francesca Serrazanetti, Audience in dance. Community, Memories, Devices. Scalpendi Editore (2019)
Francesca Serrazanetti, Audience in dance. Community, Memories, Devices. Scalpendi Editore (2019)
Vittorio Fiore, Arabeschi n. 13
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