what happened:
The teaser of Dan and Eva is out.
Masako has been selected for DNA AppuntiCoreografici finals! Eureka! And she spent some time in residence in Ravenna, in the spaces of Ardis Hall of E-production.
We had already warned you: the laboratory “Alphabet: Metodo” began, together with Cantieri and the Municipality of Ravenna. We can start talking about it more easily: these young people are amazing.
We had the ULTRA dinner. Masako cooked for everybody.
In Bienale of Venezia the MV tutoring was very good!
We watched Tango Glaciale at Ravenna Festival and we found ourselves in exactly “a post-modern weekend” by Tondelli. Wonderful!
what’s going on:
The Americans is done. Have not you seen it yet? We are already at the end of the second binge watching. Have not you seen it all yet? Can we say that “it’s perfect!”? Sorry. The enthusiasm for so much wonder continues to make us discuss about he last episode. All right. Stop. We do not talk about it anymore. Now let’s stop. But did any of you see it? The last episode. Ahhhh. That’s enough. No spoilers. But did you know that those two are also husband and wife in life ???
Soon, you will hear about Neverwhere.
MV is reading Je suis vivant et vous êtes morts of E. Carrere and he is identifying with the story of the good P. Dick. We will have to recover it on Extramondo.
Still looking for a cheap postal service to send your t-shirts, you will find them in Spoleto https://www.grupponanou.it/gruppo-nanou-torna-a-spoleto-0180705/?lang=en” target=”_blank”>from 5 to 6 of July. Book them using the form because the company move by train and will not be able to bring many of them.
what will happen in a very short time?
From July 8th, MV returns to La MaMa to introduce the “Alphabet method” to Korean and American boys. Will hieroglyphs jump out of it?!
Dan goes in residence with the Tuscany Jr Ballet.
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