When they asked Churchill to cut the funds for art to support the war effort, he replied, «So what do we fight for?»

What happened:
In Osimo, at the end of Xebeche, a child of about 10 years said aloud: “is it over yet? I liked it so much.”
You can get satisfactions.
An article on the third season of Twin Peaks has been released on Artribune. Needless to say, he wanted to write it MV.
The meeting with architects, designers and curators of visual art is sold out. The seats snapped up very quickly. A sign that dance doesn’t love to hear itself talk. Thanks Ipercorpo.
Hush hush. For those interested, there are waiting lists.
We met in Parma for May Days, for the first steps of the work of Dan and Eva, you were so many, we let ourselves be transported “to infinity and beyond”. Read Enrico Pastore.

What is going on:
With the fourteenth season of Gray’s Anatomy out, a question assails us: where Grace puts her three children as she is always in the hospital? MV and Rhu would like to question the writers to optimize work / child management, since baby sitters are not always the best solution.

Laura Arlotti is exposing her photos of Motel for Luz Negra in Lisbon. Happy to be in good company with Città di Ebla and Gianluca Camporesi. (It would take more links but the rules of the editor … umpf … if you want to deepen you will have to google it!).

What will happen in a very short time:
On May 12, Masako brings the studio of Monsone to the Prospettiva Danza competition. Good luck!
Meanwhile, Dan becomes transparent to Modena.
And then on May 17th, Masako will be in “Oltre” Pesaro with TaikokiaT.
May 24th and 25th : now ready for the special event “il colore si fa spazio” a Ipercorpo“color becomes space” at Ipercorpo. Let the experiment begins.
May 30, Masako in Rome and is now a Public Domain (because if you lost it in Pesaro and you’re on the other coast …).

Solo da parte di MV:
June 8th! June 8th! June 8th!
Here in Ravenna a “Together until the end” vision is organized!
IN these bad times, it could be our motto
For info, contact MV in pvt.

Kisses! See you soon!